«Return to Events List | Library EventMartha Liebert Library Presents: Ranger Read and Learn – Bilingual!

Join the staff of Coronado and Jemez Historic Sites for a story time and hands-on activity at Martha Liebert Public Library.

Growing a Garden: What kinds of plants did people grow in New Mexico hundreds of years ago? We’ll explore what plants the people who lived at Kuaua and Jemez Pueblos grew in their gardens. Listen to a bilingual story about corn at 10:30 a.m. Plant a seed of your very own to grow at home.

Se leerá en español e inglés un cuento de maiz y sembramos semillas para llevar a casa. Exploramos los tipos de plantas que sembraron en los pueblos de Kuaua y Jemez. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!

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